A process is the entity which gets created for executing the program when we run the following commands in a shell

# compile the program by running gcc
gcc program.c -o a.out
# run the program itself

Both the above lines lead to execution of two new processes which lead to completion and return the control back to shell. Shell in itself is a process, so how is that a process creates a new process?

Process Creation

A process is created when one executing process calls fork system call. This creates a new process which shares the memory space with parent process as copy on write optimisation. They both start executing same program from the point of fork call.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>

int main() {
  int pid = fork();
  if (pid < 0) {
    fprintf(stderr, "fork failed %d", errno);
  } else if (pid == 0) {
    printf("I am the child process %d\n", getpid());
  } else {
    printf("I am %d the parent process and father of %d\n", getpid(), pid);

The fork function returns the process id (PID) of child process to parent process and in case of child process it returns a 0. In case the call is unsuccessful we are returned a negative value.

Process Tree

A question comes into mind if a process creates a process who created the first process? what was it? We can run ps -eaf to find out

UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root           1       0  0 10:10 ?        00:00:03 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd --switched-root --system --deserialize=45 rhgb
root           2       0  0 10:10 ?        00:00:00 [kthreadd]

The result shows us proces with PID 1 and 2, but what is 0? The first process that gets created by kernel is the sched process which is assigned a PID of 0. It then goes on and creates two processes the init process and kthread.

The init is called the father of all processes with PID of 1, it is created when the kernel calls init_task. init is the process management daemon, in some systems it could be systemd as well like above.

The process tree can be found starting from PID 0 as root node by running pstree, it will provide all details about who forked created what?

pstree 0

The most interesting for me was seeing what we have always been taught, the hierarchy from kernel to shell to my browser of choice.

graph LR
	K[kernel] --> I
	I[init] --> S[systemd]
	S --> GS[gnome-shell]
	GS --> B[brave]

Waiting for Process

The parent process being a good parent might wanna wait for the child to exit before completing itself. wait for me

The parent process can wait on it using wait system call. It suspends the execution of parent until one of its children terminates and returns the PID of that child.

int status = 0;
int waited_for_child = wait(&status);

The status can be utilised with other macros to see how the child terminated, was it exit call, a signal that terminated or stopped it, etc.

A more powerful sibling of wait is waitid which provides a far more granular control over what to wait for, when to wait for and a lot more information about the child.

siginfo_t *infop = (siginfo_t *)malloc(sizeof(siginfo_t));
int ret_val = waitid(P_PID, pid, infop, WEXITED | WSTOPPED);
printf("I am parent of %d (pid:%d) (status:%d)", pid, getpid(), infop->si_status);

In above example we are telling waitid to wait for a process (P_PID) with id pid, fill the information back into siginfo_t which contains pid, status, user, code, etc in case a children has exited (WEXITED) or was stopped by a signal (WSTOPPED).

Zombie Process

A child that terminates, but has not been waited for becomes a “zombie”. The kernel maintains information about zombie processes so that parent can later wait on them to obtain information about the child. zombie

If the zombie is not removed from the system via a wait, it will consume a slot in the kernel process table, and if this table fills, it will not be possible to create further processes.

If a parent process terminates though, then its “zombie” children (if any) are adopted by init, which automatically performs a wait to remove the zombies.

Executing New Program

After fork two processes are running the same program what if we wish for child to run a different program like in shell? Here comes the exec family of functions.

The exec function call replaces the the current process space and starts executing a new program in it.

char *args[3];
args[0] = strdup("ls");
args[1] = strdup("/home");
args[2] = NULL;
execvp(args[0], args);
// program was replaced above with ls
printf("this won't print");

execvp is passed a NULL terminated array of strings (char *), the first argument is the program to execute (it will lookup PATH environment variable as well for it) and second argument is arguments passed to the program.

The 0th argument is always the name of the program.


There are multiple variants in exec family.

graph TD
	E[exec] --> cl[execl]
	E --> cv[execv]
	cl --> cle[execle]
	cl --> clp[execlp]
	cv --> cve[execve]
	cv --> cvp[execvp]
	cv --> cvpe[execvpe]

The cl class of functions take in multiple arguments which can be thought of as arg0, arg1, arg2, etc. The v class of functions take an array of NULL terminated strings as argument ending with NULL.

The suffix e in function name implies that it can be used to change the environment of its execution. By passing an array of null terminated strings key=value we can modify the environment.

The suffix p in function name implies that it will search for executable program in the space defined by PATH variable if name of executable doesn’t start with a /.

Why both fork and exec?

The process of creating a process is separated into fork and exec because the program can then modify the environment of child process after fork call but before the exec call enabling a variety of interesting features.

if (pid == 0) {
	open("./output", O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC, S_IRWXU);
	// execvp a program

The above code is how ls -l > output would work. By closing the stdout file descriptor we allow first file descriptor to be assigned to output file instead and then executing program will write to it assuming its stdout.


The kill system call is used to send signals to process. The process also has to listen for signals using signal system call so as to properly react on receiving them. Signals should be handled/caught by the process in graceful manner

Some common signals are:

SIGINTCTRL + Cinterrupt
SIGSTPCTRL + Zstop (bring back using fg)
SIGKILL-kill immediately kill -9
SIGTERM-politely ask to terminate kill
kill(SIGTERM, pid);

kill can send signal like SIGTERM to group its a part of, all the processes in system which it can send signal to so it can be catastrophic if you run something like

kill(SIGKILL, -1);

burn them all


Managing process is something that’s usually abstracted but in case you want to build the next shell its important to understand these system calls. It’s crucial to understand the relationship between different processes running on your operating system.

Apart from that the most important thing I feel is about handling signals, your process should cleanup all resources properly on receiving them before a SIGKILL is dropped.

thank you arigato As always Arigato gozaimasu for reading and reach out to me on @1108King in case you have any queries or suggestions. I was travelling for the past 10 days finally back home and ready for the next flight. It’s been 10/10 trips now just 2 more to go :))