Why we need our Campus?

Do you remember?

Do you remember waking up early feeling that morning šŸŒ… breezešŸƒ on your way to the examination centre where you probably gave the most crucial examination of your life? Making through those two years of constant efforts, strenuous days, full of ups and downs. All that for what a subscription to online classes?

Do you think the admins are aware of what struggles we went through to make it into the prestigious institutionšŸ“œ named IITs? I am aware you all have heard this multiple times, and yes, you all agree, so why hasn’t anything changed yet? It is probably because we have lost hope facing numerous denials for our request from the Mussolinis and Hitlers of our institution.


Everything so why not us?

At one point, it was understandable not to call back students cause Covid19 was at its peak, but now when everything seems to be getting back on track, only the students have been left out, and that too on what point, its an open campus so it will stay closed for the students. This mockery of the student community has to end.

The Dream

  • Don’t you remember the glistening nights of Kashiyatra?
  • Victory of our teams at Spardha when everyone erupted into chaos,
  • The pizza parties at FMC Weekend,
  • Drones hovering around in Technex,
  • Late-night walks to the ghats with our friends,
  • Getting the necessary sleep in classes,
  • Watching the crowd at LC in evenings after class end.


That wasn’t all, the interaction with seniors taking parties from them talking with them interacting with your juniors and what not.

I think the third and fourth years are well aware of the dream that I am talking about. But my dear second years cause you never got to feel this, you have lost hope to live this dream cause you don’t share the memories that your seniors accumulated in 9 months. The admins will say, you don’t need to be on campus to get a degree, respectfully speaking, I don’t need that mere degree. I need my friends and peers to walk that journey with me.

It’s not the destination I care about; it’s the journey that is more important.

What to do?

What I ask of you today my dear second years, third years and respected seniors is, please don’t lose hope, don’t go down that rabbit hole. Let’s not stop because some things didn’t go our way because even if there is a 0.0001% chance that will make it into campus, I will bloody take it. The student community will bring about the change, will band together and make them agree to our requests.

captain america

“whatever it takes”.